Monday, 12 April 2010

Plants and Stuff

Last week was really good at YSP - the weather was lovely and warm, spring plants are flowering : Wood Anemones, Wood-sorrel, Daffs, Willow, Gorse and Celandines so there was also lots of bees buzzing around too. I heard my first Willow Warbler of the spring singing and a couple of Swallows and House Martins were swooping about high above.

As well as seeing Red-tailed Bumblebee Bombus lapidarius and Tree Bumblebee Bombus hypnorum (see couple of posts below) I also saw a couple of Common Carder-bees Bombus pascuorum - they are almost entirely pale ginger / brownish yellow and they're not as big as the other ones i've seen so far. I didn't manage to get a photo one - plus my net hasn't arrived yet so i couldn't catch any for closer inspection.

The images here are of Wood Anemones plus a ladybird on some Gorse.

By the way, i'm not at YSP for the next couple of weeks as i'm going on a research trip to Japan tomorrow (for another project about Dandelions). If you have too much time on your hands and want to know more about the project please click here. I can't tell you how excited I am - it's going to be an amazing experience.


  1. Enjoy Japan!

    I had another be encounter:

    Long URL:

  2. And another bee encounter, this time in Brussels at the Art Brussels expo near the Atomium:

  3. Hi there Frans

    i like the free bee card too - but i have a feeling that the apple bees are wasps...

  4. Wow that would be fun, if the artist named his work after the wrong insect. Now that i look at it again, I'm sure you're right!
    Thanks very much for your card & bee badge, they arrived last week.
