Friday, 30 August 2013

Everton Meadows

I know it's been ages since the Bee Project officially finished at Yorkshire Sculpture Park, but there is something I wanted to up date you on which has come about as a direct result of my residency there...

Ok - so if you've followed the blog you'll know that I proposed two meadows each an acre in size, one made entirely of yellow flowers the other made entirely of blue flowers, but for various reasons we couldn't plant them at YSP.

However, that's not the end of it - another site was found in Everton Park in Liverpool and with funding from Landlife with Arts Council support they were realised last summer. And this year they flowered for their second season providing food for masses of bees and other insects and butterflies too.

So, determination and perseverance paid off this time. If you want to see I'm blue, you're yellow they are situated off Netherfield Road North in Everton Park, Liverpool. They will be there again next year too...

For more information go to my website: